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Searching Carriers
Qualify Carriers
Organize Carriers
Monitoring Carriers
Account Management

Carrier Beacon

Welcome to the knowledge base for AlphaTrac's Carrier Beacon platform. Learn more about the tools and functionality available in each of the sections below...

Mission Statement

Carrier Beacon is dedicated to streamlining the freight management process with our comprehensive, cloud-based platform. We empower businesses by providing up-to-date, reliable carrier information and safety scores across the United States and Canada. Our mission is to enhance your carrier management experience with user-friendly tools and responsive design, accessible from anywhere. We’re not just a service; we’re your partner in navigating the complexities of freight logistics with ease and confidence.

Full Introduction

Searching Carriers

Enhanced Search Options
Carrier Beacon offers a user-friendly search feature that allows you to find exactly what you're looking for in our vast database of over 1.7 million registered motor carriers. Customize your search with a variety of criteria to match your specific needs:
  • Name and Identification: Easily search for carriers by their name, MC (Motor Carrier) number, or DOT (Department of Transportation) number for quick identification.
  • Business Details: Filter your search by the type of business, registration date, or the location of the carrier, including city, state, or by using a ZIP code to find carriers nearby.
  • Contact and Representation: Look up carriers using the name of a company representative or their email address, making it easier to get in touch.
  • Services and Safety: Select carriers based on their special capabilities like Hazmat handling, their safety ratings to ensure you're choosing reliable partners, and the types of commodities they carry.
  • Fleet Information: If the size of the carrier's fleet is important, you can search by the total number of trucks to find carriers that can handle the volume of work you need.
Our search tool is designed to be both powerful and easy to use, ensuring you can find the right carriers for your business quickly and efficiently.

Customizable Search Preferences

With Carrier Beacon, the moment you set up your account, you gain the ability to tailor your search experience to fit your specific needs. You can select which search fields you prefer to use — whether that's carrier names, locations, safety ratings, or any of the other criteria available. This personalized approach ensures that you can find what you're looking for faster, using the parameters that matter most to your business. Plus, you're not locked into your initial choices; you can update your preferred search fields at any time to adapt to changing needs or priorities. This feature is designed to streamline your search process, making it more efficient by focusing on the criteria that are most relevant to your operations.

Adjustable Results Display

Carrier Beacon's results table is designed for flexibility, presenting a concise summary of carrier information that you can easily sort through. With our adaptable table view, you have the control to customize which pieces of information are displayed. Whether you're interested in seeing more about the carrier's location, fleet size, safety ratings, or any other data point we track, you can adjust your view to prioritize the details that are most relevant to your search. This customizable approach allows you to sift through carrier information with greater ease, enabling more efficient decision-making. Our goal is to make your navigation through carrier data as smooth and personalized as possible, ensuring you get the information you need, how you need it.


Intelligent Insights for Better Decisions
Carrier Beacon leverages advanced AI technology to enrich your experience when exploring a carrier's profile. Our AI-driven insights provide you with tailored information that matters most to your decision-making process. This includes:
  • Insurance Details: Get an overview of the carrier's insurance policies and how well they meet industry requirements, along with satisfaction ratings to gauge reliability.
  • Aggregated Reviews: View a compiled summary of online reviews from multiple sources, giving you a comprehensive understanding of the carrier's reputation.
  • Operating Authority: Check the carrier's legal operating status, ensuring they have the necessary authorizations for their services.
  • Safety Performance: Access an overall safety score that reflects the carrier's adherence to safety standards and regulations.
  • Fleet Information: Understand the scale of operations with details on fleet size, helping you assess the carrier's capacity to meet your shipping needs.

Detailed Carrier Profile

At Carrier Beacon, we provide you with complete profiles for each carrier, giving you the tools to thoroughly research and evaluate both new and existing partners. These detailed profiles encompass a wide range of information, ensuring you have a holistic view of each carrier's operations, history, and compliance status. Profile details include:
  • Basic Information: Carrier name, DOT (Department of Transportation) number, registration date, and MC/MX/FF numbers for precise identification.
  • Operational Authority: Details on the carrier's operating authority, reflecting their legal permission to transport goods.
  • Business and Contact Essentials: Insights into the carrier's business type, physical and mailing addresses, and key contact information including email, phone, and fax numbers.
  • Fleet and Services: Information on the size of the carrier's fleet and the types of commodities they are equipped to transport.
  • Safety and Compliance Records: A comprehensive safety history covering areas such as unsafe driving, hours of service compliance, driver fitness, controlled substances and alcohol policies, vehicle maintenance practices, and crash records.
  • Insurance Details: Current insurance information on file, including coverage for bodily injury and property damage, as well as bond insurance specifics.
Each profile serves as a valuable resource for making informed decisions, enabling you to qualify carriers based on a wide array of criteria that matter most to your business needs. By leveraging this depth of information, Carrier Beacon ensures that you can confidently research, vet, and select carriers with a clear understanding of their capabilities and compliance.


Carrier List Management
With Carrier Beacon, you gain powerful capabilities to create and manage lists, significantly streamlining your carrier management process. This feature allows you to categorize and organize carriers in a way that best suits your operational needs. Whether you're segmenting them by specific services, geographic regions, or any other criteria you find useful, our platform makes the organization straightforward and effective.

Looking ahead, we're excited to expand these capabilities even further. Soon, you will have the option to create lists organized by specific customers, transport lanes, and more, offering even greater flexibility and precision in how you manage and interact with carriers. This upcoming enhancement is designed to provide you with tailored solutions that adapt to the evolving dynamics of your business, ensuring Carrier Beacon remains a vital tool in your carrier management strategy.

Carrier Data Export

Carrier Beacon simplifies how you work with carrier information outside of our platform. With just a few clicks, you can export comprehensive lists of carriers into a neatly organized spreadsheet. This feature is designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing workflow, whether you're using a Transportation Management System (TMS), a Contact Relationship Management (CRM) tool, or any other system where you need to access carrier data.

This export functionality ensures that you can easily transfer and utilize carrier information wherever it's most needed, enhancing your operational efficiency and keeping all your essential data interconnected and accessible.


Carrier Monitoring Dashboard
Carrier Beacon introduces a centralized monitoring dashboard designed to simplify how you track the performance and activities of your carriers. From this single, streamlined interface, you have immediate access to a range of critical updates and noteworthy events concerning your carriers. This includes monitoring for:
  • Negative Feedback: Keep an eye on any adverse comments or notes left by others, providing insights into the carrier's service quality and reliability.
  • Safety Concerns: Stay informed of any reported safety issues, enabling proactive measures to ensure compliance and mitigate risks.
  • Insurance Updates:Receive alerts on insurance matters, ensuring carriers maintain the necessary coverage and adhere to regulatory requirements.
The dashboard is tailored to offer a comprehensive view of your carriers' most recent activities, giving you the tools to effectively manage and respond to changes or challenges as they arise. This feature aims to keep you well-informed and prepared, supporting better decision-making for your business.

Account Management

Creating Your Account
Joining Carrier Beacon During Early Access During our Early Access phase, Carrier Beacon is implementing a waitlist system for new account approvals. To join the waitlist, simply create an account on our platform. Here’s how:

  • Start Your Account Creation: Visit and click on the “Get Started” button. Provide your email address when prompted, then click “Proceed.”
  • Select Your Login Method: If your email is linked to a Microsoft or Google account, you can log in using those credentials. Otherwise, select ‘Email / Password’ and set up a new password. (Don’t forget this password; you’ll need it for future logins!)
  • Complete Your Profile: Fill in your personal details, carrier preferences, and search fields of interest.
  • Await Approval: After completing your profile, you’ll be invited to subscribe. However, subscription access is granted only after your account exits the waitlist. Waitlist approval times vary based on demand and server capacity.
  • Confirmation: Once approved, you’ll receive a confirmation email at the address you provided.
We appreciate your interest in Carrier Beacon and look forward to having you on board!

Resetting your Password

With Carrier Beacon we strive to make your account management as easy as possible. If you need to reset your password for your Carrier Beacon account, you can do so by following these simple steps. Resetting your password will help to protect your account and access all the features of Carrier Beacon. Please note that these steps only apply if you have created your account with an email and password. If you have logged in via a third-party provider, such as Microsoft or Google, you will need to reset your password through them.
  • Step 1: Click the ‘Settings ’ on the lower left corner of the screen.
  • Step 2: Select the ‘Personal ’ page on the left side.
  • Step 3: Click into the ‘Password’ field, and select ‘Confirm’. You will receive a ‘Password Reset’ link in your email. Follow the link to enter your new password and click ‘Save’.
  • Step 4: Once your new password has been saved, you will need to log in again with your new password to access your account.
*Note: It may take several minutes for the link to arrive in your inbox. If you believe you did not receive it, check your junk or spam folders. If you still are unable to find it, you can contact for assistance.

Updating your Email Address

You may want to update your email address for your Carrier Beacon account for various reasons, such as changing your email provider, securing your account, or receiving important updates from Carrier Beacon. You can easily update your email address by following these simple steps. Please note that these steps are only applicable if you have signed up with an email and password. If you have used a third-party provider, such as Microsoft or Google, to log in, you will need to update your email address through them.
  • Step 1: Click the ‘Settings ’ on the lower left corner of the screen.
  • Step 2: Select the ‘Personal ’ on the left side.
  • Step 3: Click into the ‘Email Address’ field and enter your new email address into the ‘New Email’ field.
  • Step 4: Click ‘Save’ to apply your new email address. You may need to verify your new email address by clicking on a link that will be sent to your inbox. Now you can begin logging into your account with your new email!

Updating Billing Information

Your email address is not the only thing you can update for your Carrier Beacon account. You can also update your billing information, such as your payment method, billing address, and subscription plan. Updating your billing information will help you manage your account and enjoy the benefits of Carrier Beacon.
  • Step 1: Click the ‘Settings ’ on the bottom left corner of the screen.
  • Step 2: Click ‘Billing ’ on the left side.
  • Step 3: By clicking the ‘Edit icon ‘, you can choose your preferred payment method, if you have more than one card saved to your account.
  • Step 4: To add another or a different card, select ‘Add payment method’, enter the new card info, and select ‘Add’.
  • Step 5: You can also select which card to have as your default payment method, or delete a card by clicking the ellipsis icon next to the specific card.
  • Step 6: To update your billing address, select ‘Update information’ and enter the changes required. *Note: if your billing zip code changes, it will automatically update your chosen payment method’s billing zip code as well. To avoid any billing issues, be sure to double check the billing address is entirely correct.
  • Step 7: To view your transaction history, click the ‘Settings ’, then the ‘Billing ’, and scroll to the bottom of the page.
  • Step 8: To cancel your current plan, click the ‘Settings ’ then the ‘Billing ’, and select ‘Cancel plan’ at the top of the page. Confirm your choice by selecting ‘Cancel plan’ again. A pop-up will appear and ask for feedback.
  • *Note: offering feedback is optional, however, providing AlphaTrac/Carrier Beacon with your decision to cancel will help us to improve and offer more features you may enjoy later!
  • Step 9: If you changed your mind about canceling later, but before your current subscription expires, simply click the ‘Settings ’, then the ‘Billing ’ opiton, then ‘Renew Plan’ and select ‘Renew Plan’ to confirm!
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your billing information, you can speak to your account manager or reach out to us at any time!


Q: How can I search for carriers using Carrier Beacon?
A: Carrier Beacon offers a robust search feature with various criteria to tailor your search precisely to your needs. You can search by name, MC or DOT number, type of business, location, representative contact information, services offered, safety ratings, and fleet size. This flexibility ensures you can find carriers that match your specific requirements efficiently.

Q: Is it possible to customize my search preferences on Carrier Beacon?
A: Yes, Carrier Beacon allows you to customize your search preferences right from the moment you set up your account. You can choose which search fields to use, such as carrier names, locations, safety ratings, etc., and adjust these preferences anytime to fit your changing needs. This customization aims to make your search process faster and more relevant to your business.

Q: Can I customize the information displayed in the search results?
A: Absolutely. Carrier Beacon's results table is highly customizable, enabling you to decide which information about the carriers is displayed. Whether you're interested in fleet size, location, safety ratings, or other data points, you can adjust your view to prioritize the information most relevant to your search, facilitating easier decision-making.

Q: What kind of insights does Carrier Beacon provide to help make better decisions?
A: Carrier Beacon uses advanced AI technology to provide tailored insights such as insurance details, aggregated reviews, operating authority, safety performance, and fleet information. These insights are designed to help you make informed decisions quickly and confidently by highlighting the most relevant information for your needs.

Q: What information is included in a carrier's profile on Carrier Beacon?
A: Each carrier's profile on Carrier Beacon is comprehensive, including basic identification information, operational authority, business and contact essentials, fleet and services details, safety and compliance records, and insurance details. This thorough overview allows for in-depth research and evaluation of carriers.

Q: How does Carrier Beacon assist in managing carrier lists?
A: Carrier Beacon provides tools to create and manage carrier lists, making it easier to organize carriers based on services, geographic regions, or other criteria. Upcoming enhancements will allow for even more specific list organization, including by customers or transport lanes, to align with your operational needs.

Q: Is there a way to export carrier information from Carrier Beacon?
A: Yes, Carrier Beacon offers a feature to export carrier information into spreadsheets, facilitating integration with your existing workflow, whether you're using a TMS, CRM, or any other system. This ensures you can easily access and utilize carrier data outside of the Carrier Beacon platform.

Q: What is the Carrier Monitoring Dashboard?
A: The Carrier Monitoring Dashboard is a centralized interface for tracking performance and activities of your carriers. It provides updates on negative feedback, safety concerns, and insurance updates, among other things. This dashboard is designed to keep you informed and prepared, supporting better decision-making for your business.

Q: How can I change my password?
A: To reset your Carrier Beacon password, navigate to ‘Settings’ and select ‘Personal’. Enter a new password in the ‘Password’ field and confirm to receive a reset link via email. Follow the link to save your new password and re-login to your account. If the email doesn’t arrive, check your spam folder or contact Note that this process is for email/password-created accounts, not those made through third-party providers like Microsoft or Google. To review the process, you can watch this video.

Q: Can I change my payment method?
A: Absolutely! To update your billing information on Carrier Beacon, go to ‘Settings’, then ‘Billing’. Use the ‘Edit icon’ to change your payment method or ‘Add payment method’ to enter new card details. Set a default payment method or remove a card using the ellipsis icon. Update your billing address with ‘Update information’, ensuring the zip code matches your payment method. For assistance, contact your account manager or To review the process, To review the process, you can watch this video.